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Robert King ·
Was Jerusalem the capital before the war or after the war?
Michael Ashworth ·
Works at Self-employed
A very depressing read, this article. OK, so prettty much the whole of the rest of the world are wrong on this, but Israel is right. Is that it? Every heard the story about "they're all out of step except our Willie"? Worth looking it up.
Maia Kozhiashvili ·
christine jones you are a stupid and blind and belive to "palestinian " lies.go to learn some history fact sabout "palestinian"-arab people. israel forever
Mike Brooke ·
"This has given rise to an unprecedented situation whereby a sovereign state – Israel – is denied the diplomatic right to choose the location of its capital city." When said capital is in another Country, yes, denied!
Solomon Tesfamariam
I would say probably Jerusalem why? well because it's written according to the "biblical perspective" what do you think ???
Philip Austin ·
Guatemala and El Salvador are the only two countries in the world except Israel who recognise this
Bobbi Polark ·
Works at Self-employed
Jerusalem will always be Israel's capital
Mike Mikels
I thought the capital of Israel was the United States
Abdul Wakeel
Like · Reply · Aug 27, 2015 7:14am
Maia Kozhiashvili ·
Thomas zell you will go down not Israel.Israel forever god bless Israel and Jewish people
Christine Jones ·
You still don't get it do you Maia Kozhiashvili - if God existed his love would surpass a race you dimwit - he wouldn't just bestow his blessings on one people.HE would call that rascism. We are just a human race living on a planet and all this nonsense if God favouring a people or sect over another is called 'a dictator' just listen to your own stupidity.
Unlike · Reply · 1 · Oct 17, 2015 1:39am